To freelancer and other sites that help you find coders and part time workers online:
New feature suggestion
Pity we cant add skills in project keywords. we need to add some general skill where there are 50,000 freelancers but few in what we want.
Why cant you add a feature like where people with experience like 4-5 projects and having a separate attribute "can-add-skills" can add new ones. they don thave to be live immediately but can be reviewed by someone and added in 1-2 weeks. even if wont help immediately will help after a month or two.
Example "libGdx" is a framework that makes mobile games, but even if u know android most wont know this. but then you add android in your project then they act like they do as it comes in their feed. better would be if i could just put libGdx. This is a special skill. Not to be mixed with the main stream of android developers..
To be clear. Like we can choose android or java as a skill now, we should be able to add a skill like libGdx and after a 1-2 day review by peers it should be allowed. so when posting a project a new key word might be available but i can ask for it and then can edit my project keywords later or at least add it in a future project. similarly in some place i should be to suggest new keywords without having to post a project. can keep this open for few buyers only, who know what they are doing and have experience using the site
New feature suggestion
Pity we cant add skills in project keywords. we need to add some general skill where there are 50,000 freelancers but few in what we want.
Why cant you add a feature like where people with experience like 4-5 projects and having a separate attribute "can-add-skills" can add new ones. they don thave to be live immediately but can be reviewed by someone and added in 1-2 weeks. even if wont help immediately will help after a month or two.
Example "libGdx" is a framework that makes mobile games, but even if u know android most wont know this. but then you add android in your project then they act like they do as it comes in their feed. better would be if i could just put libGdx. This is a special skill. Not to be mixed with the main stream of android developers..
To be clear. Like we can choose android or java as a skill now, we should be able to add a skill like libGdx and after a 1-2 day review by peers it should be allowed. so when posting a project a new key word might be available but i can ask for it and then can edit my project keywords later or at least add it in a future project. similarly in some place i should be to suggest new keywords without having to post a project. can keep this open for few buyers only, who know what they are doing and have experience using the site